Cómo Iniciar una Sesión de Captura

Después de haber creado (o seleccionado) un archivo web, hay dos maneras en las que puedes iniciar una sesión de captura.

Elige una opción:

Capturar directamente desde la extensión


  1. Select the website you want to capture
  2. Click on the ArchiveWeb.page Chrome extension
  3. Click on START
  4. Click on assets (videos, links, pages, etc) that you want archived.


Scenario: “I want to capture the webrecorder website”

Select the website you want to capture: I want to archive the website, https://webrecorder.net/ so I go to that website in my Chrome browser.
Screenshot of the webrecorder website
Click on the Archiveweb.page Chrome extension: In this scenario, I have the archiveweb.page extension pinned on the top right corner of my Chrome browser. When I click it, I can see the interface.
Screenshot of the webrecorder website with the archiveweb.page icon circled red
Click on START: I click the START button that is there and it will initiate my capture session!
Screenshot of the webrecorder website with the start button circled red
Click on assets (videos, links, pages, etc) that you want archived
For a breakdown on how to capture using archiveweb.page, go to the During Capture Session section of this user guide. If you’re archiving sites that have infinite scroll especially social media sites like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, you can try using the Autopilot feature

Capturar desde el sitio archiveweb.page


  1. Choose the collection you want to capture to
  2. Click on the RECORD button
  3. Insert the website you want to capture
  4. Click GO to initiate capture session
  5. Click on assets (videos, links, pages, etc) that you want archived.


Scenario: “I want to capture the webrecorder website”

You’ll want to be on your archiveweb.page site as shown in the image below. Going to archiveweb.page will take you to your archives pages. You can also get here by clicking the Home button from the extension.
Screenshot of archiveweb.page's web archives page
Select collection: To record to the web archive collection you want, click on the RECORD button on that row. The webrecorder record button is blue! From your web archives page, the record button is under Actions (bottom image).
Screenshot of archiveweb.page's web archives page with a red circle and arrow pointing to the blue record button
Prep Collection: Make sure that the collection is correct (where is says “Archive To”). You can swap out www.example.com with the website you want to capture.
Screenshot of archiveweb.page's web archives page with the recording interface with a red arrow pointing to the collection, webrecorder, and a red box around the URL, www.example.com
Click GO: You can see, I’ve swapped www.example.com to http://webrecorder.net/. And click GO. Archiveweb.page will start and take you to the webpage.
Screenshot of archiveweb.page's web archives page with the recording interface showing the collection, webrecorder, the URL http://webrecorder.net, and the GO button highlighted in blue,
Click on assets (videos, links, pages, etc) that you want archived
For a breakdown on how to capture using archiveweb.page, go to the During Capture Session section of this user guide. If you’re archiving sites that have infinite scroll, or social media sites like Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, you can try using the new Autopilot feature

Continue to Capture Session >